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Macro Insect Photography Extended Case-Studies

With these 5 extended case-studies (43 pages) you’ll dive much deeper into specific situational examples. Not only will you learn from these, you can ethically ‘steal’ from them, to form your own unique ideas.

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Powerful Imagery Case-Studies

Take a journey through 15 exclusive case-studies on powerful images, from travel documentary photographer, Mitchell Kanashkevich.

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Get the Entire 'Power Bundle' of Our Best-Selling Guides, Textures and Presets Today at 93% Off!

This is a complete collection of proven photography ebooks and products, at a deep discount.

Including – 6 Premium Training Guides, 15 In-Depth Photo Case-Studies, 8 Video Tutorials, 5 Printable Cheat Sheets, 3 Checklists, 48 Royalty-Free Textures, and 72 Lightroom Presets. (Over $739.00USD of value)

• The best way to accelerate your photography skills this year.
• Over 11,768 photographers have purchased this bundle.

Click the button below now to see more details about the offer, and grab your bundle.

Discover Our Newest Project-Based Photography Learning Tool Called – Action Cards™

Different from the Snap Cards™, these cards are our newest Project-Based Photography Learning Tool – Action Cards™. Expand your shooting skills.

With 65 beautifully designed & printable project sheets that will give you over 200 photography assignments, covering everything you can imagine! A wonderful addition to help you develop your own unique style.

If you missed out on your set, it's available again and on sale right now. 

Click the button below now to see more details about the offer, and grab your set of photography projects.